I was very honoured to be invited by the HVC to judge at their Open Show. I felt the strength of quality on the day was in the bitches where a number of lovely dogs were to be found. Dentition was thankfully not a great problem, with only a couple of dogs not having the required scissor bite. One further thought I would leave with exhibitors was that many dogs were presented on the day with over-long nails. The standard calls for short, strong nails, which in a number of cases were not evident, and these dogs did not display the cat like, rounded foot. This being said I was delighted with my winning dogs.
Minor Puppy Dog (3 Entries 0Abs.)
1 Ryan – Castledogley Apollo BPD & BPIS. Very immature puppy but with a lot of potential. Pleasing head with gentle expression, oval eye and well set on ears. Equal body proportions and good rib length. Level back, elbows close to body, and strong level rear with good angulation. Chest well let down. Moved out with drive.
2 Scott/Woods – Triton Talking Heads. Another pleasing puppy but just did not have for me the overall quality of 1. Strong arched neck leading into well laid shoulders, level topline. Correct body proportions and muscle to croup. Sound front and rear with width to thigh. Movement erratic
3 Driver – Silvestre Vision for Torrumstep
Puppy Dog (4 Entries 1 Abs.)
Ryan – Castledogley Apollo
Cannon/Green – Highforce Midnight Flyer – Nice type of dog, preferred the head of 1. Oval eye well set ear placement, muscular neck. Straight front and rear, with moderate rear angulation. Level topline, strong muscular croup. Moved Ok.
Adams – Nansavallan Tennyson
Junior Dog (5 Entries 0 Abs)
1 Digby – Alsiv English Oak – Well up to size, good shape to eye, well set on ear placement. Muscular neck, correct lay back of upper arm. Nice depth of brisket. Front straight and elbows well into body. Ribbed well and nice tuck up. Straight topline, muscular croup. Hindquarters straight, well muscled thigh, with just enough angulation. Moved out with drive.
2 Obradovic – Afanleigh Oswald – Similar type, but did not have the depth of chest of 1. Pleasing head, correct oval eye. Fair layback of shoulder, level topline. Straight front, well angulated rear quarters. Movement a little stilted.
3 Webb – Tavasz Miklos
Novice Dog (3 Entries 0 Abs.)
1 Cannon/Green – Highforce Midnight Flyer
2 Smith/Mccathie – Daxpack Johnny Cash – Good body shape, elegant reach of neck. Well laid shoulder placement. Level topline. Chest well let down. Straight front and rear. Moved well.
3 Connelly/Bailiff – Kenazorora Kaetano
Post Graduate Dog (11 Entries 2 Abs.)
1 Barwick – Bournehouse Hawkeye to Bequerelle – Nice type of dog. Very pleasing head, oval eye giving true expression. Low set ear placement. Nice width of skull. Well laid shoulders. Forequarters straight and true, close to body, chest deep. Strong muscular croup. Hindquarters strong and well angulated. Moved out with drive.
2 Price – Aldom Cameron – Smaller type well put together. Dark eye. Elegant neck into well laid shoulders. Straight topline. Good depth to chest, elbows carried well into body. Hindquarters straight and true with good angulation. Did not move with the drive of 1.
3 Bornett – Zavis Loch Loyle
Limit Dog (5 Entries 2 Abs.)
1 Guest/Martin – Peregrines Path of Vadaszat RBD – Nice dog all through, workmanlike without loosing elegance, in super condition. Fair width to skull, lovely arched neck, powerful well laid shoulders. Strong topline, good body proportions, strong, muscular rear quarters, well angulated. Moved out so well keeping balance and style.
2 Price – Aldom Pol Rodger – Another sound dog, but just did not have the style, especially on the move as 1. Pleasing head, oval eye good ear set. Muscular neck, straight topline. Deep chest. Straight front and rear. Moved well.
3 Cox – Bitcon Murray River of Torazon
Open Dog (4 Entries 0 Abs.)
1 Sutton – Benzali Solitaire at Neszmely BD – Pleasing head, lovely eye and shape to skull – moderate ear set. Elegant strong reach of neck. Well laid shoulder. Equal body proportions. Straight front, chest well let down. Good rib and tuck-up. Hindquarters straight, thighs well muscled. Moved with drive and purpose.
2 Da Silva – Sh Ch Bournehouse Rosso – Not as together as 1 but with some nice qualities. Strong muscular neck, well laid shoulders, level topline, muscular croup. Forequarters straight, with depth to chest. Powerful hindquarters. Moved out well.
3 Digby – Russetmantle Garcia at Alsziv
Veteran Dog (4 Entries 2 Abs.)
1 Bornett – Sh Ch Gardenway Dalgliesh – Always a pleasure to judge the older dogs and they could both teach the youngsters how to move. 1 just had the edge as he possessed for me the overall balance of the Vizsla. He had a lovely
head and expression, chest well let down, straight front and rear. Well of for bone, strong muscular thigh. Moved out well.
2 Ryan – Chilsham Sir Alfred – Similar to 1 but just lacked for me that overall balance. Strong reach of neck, well laid shoulder and level topline. Well angulated hindquarters. Not so positive as 1 on the move.
Field Trial Dog (4 Entries 1 Abs.)
1 Harris – Szajani Varazslo – Lovely head, with wonderful expression. Elegant strong neck, good shoulders, and depth to chest, elbows well into body, forearm of good length. Level topline. Correct body proportion. Well muscled croup. Moved out well.
2 White – Russetmantle Idaho of Arunszvar – Similar comments apply to this dog – just preferred outline of 1. Pleasing head, muscular neck. Level topline. Width to strong muscular thighs. Straight front, chest well let down. Powerful hindquarters with strong hock. Did not move with the drive of 1.
3 Rutherford Ch Kincsem Kaiser –
Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries 1 Abs.)
1 Jenkins/Wilson – Gamesika Islay Avec Tuileries BPB & RBPIS – What a pretty little bitch all through. She has a most lovely typy head, slight oval eye, correct ear placement, arched neck and good layback of shoulder. Level topline. Straight front, lovely tight feet, and just the right amount of rear angulation. Once settled, she moved so well.
Puppy Bitch (1 Entry 0 Abs.)
1 Cannon/Green – Highforce Midnigh Star by Viszaset – Elegant little bitch. Beautiful head, with a melting expression, fair width to skull. Arched neck, straight topline. Parallel front, good depth of chest, elbows well tucked in. Hindquarters straight, well angulated. Well muscled throughout. just preferred the extra sparkle that the MPB had when challenging for BPB.
Junior Bitch (6 Entries 0 Abs.)
1 Digby – Alsiv Silver Maple – Classic head, well proportioned in width and length, melting expression, well laid shoulders. Straight fore-quarters with depth to chest. Well ribbed, slight tuck-up under loin. Arched, tight feet. Strong hindquarters well angulated. Steady Mover.
2 Da Silva – Kazval Boselecta – Another very pretty bitch, larger cast but not over exaggerated. Elegant head with that wonderful expression, strong neck, level topline. Straight front and rear. Not as positive on the move as 1.
3 Cummings – Glengamma Solitaire
Novice Bitch (6 Entries 1 Abs.)
1 Barnard – Daxpack Thorn Bird – What a lovely bitch, with such a typical head, moderate width of skull, melting expression and correct set of ear. Fore-quarters straight and true, deep chest, tight elbows. Level topline. Short back, well muscled croup. Good rear angulation. Moved out so well.
2 Cannon/Green – Highforce Midnigh Star by Viszaset
3 Da Silva – Kazval Boselecta
Post Graduate Bitch (7 Entries 1 Abs.)
1 Harris – Szajani Sipos RBB & RBIS. What a lovely workmanlike bitch this is, without any coarseness. She has a lovely head, wonderful expression. Excelled in fore-hand, straight and true viewed from front. Shoulders well laid back. Chest well let down with a good width .Level topline. Correct body proportions. Hindquarters straight with just the right amount of angulation. One of the best movers on the day, powering around the ring.
2 Whitfield – Alfizsbet Bonny Dawn – Unfortunate to meet 1. But again she is an elegant bitch, longer cast than 1. Pleasing head, melting expression. Chest of good depth. Straight topline. Hindquarters straight, well muscled thighs, moved well, but could not compete with 1 on the move.
3 Joyce – Ranchester Mrs Dubcek
Limit Bitch (7 Entries 2 Abs.)
1 Barnard – Russetmantle Georgette BB & BIS. This bitch caught my eye when she was coming into the ring and didn’t disappoint me when going over her. A truly lovely bitch, she possesses a classic head, moderate width to her skull, beautiful eye, with tight fitting lids. Wide nostrils, and correct ear set. She has the most elegant arched neck, good shoulder placement, short back and a good depth of chest. Elbows well into body. Tuck up under loin, muscular croup. Low tail set. Strong powerful hindquarters, with width of thigh. She powered around the ring, driving from behind.
2 Lambert – Bequerelle Alexandrina – Finer cast bitch but elegant all through, lovely head, correct eye giving that wonderful expression. Elegant neck into good layback of shoulder. Lovely topline. Straight front, chest let down to elbow and powerful body. Hindquarters strong and with just enough angulation. Moved with great style.
3 Rutherford – Kincsem Lyla
Open Bitch (5 Entries 1 Abs.)
1 Allen/Bloxham – Bequerelle Pinaroo – Bitch of nice size, lovely head, melting expression, correct ear set. Muscular, strong neck, straight topline. Equal body proportions, well muscled croup, low tail set. Good tuck up and width of thigh. Hindquarters straight with moderate angulation.Tight feet. Moved with purpose.
2 Connolly – Bitcon Celebrity – Stocky workmanlike bitch, who looked as if she could work all day. Nice head but not as elegant as 1. Well laid shoulder, straight topline, short back, well muscled croup, low tail set. Straight front and rear. Not as positive on the move as 1.
3 Price – Aldom Cristal
Veteran Bitch (2 Entries 2 Abs)
1 Rutherford – Ch Roytan Slipstream for Kincsem BVIS. Lovely bitch not in any way showing her age, lovely head correct eye and ear carriage. Arched neck and good layback of shoulder. Level topline, well muscled rear. Straight front and rear with ample rear angulation. Moved out well.
2 Sutton – Benzali Solitaire at Neszmely – Another typy bitch. Did not move quite so well as 1. However she does possess a lovely head of correct proportion, kind expression and elegant neck. Short coupled. Straight front, good depth of chest. Straight hindquarters with fair angulation. Movement was erratic.
Field Trial Bitch (4 Entries 1 Abs.)
1 Rutherford – Ch Roytan Slipstream for Kincsem –
2 Chellumbrun – Addaci Mystic Ocean at Vizellven – Nice type of bitch stands over herself well, good depth of chest, well muscled, level topline. Pleasing head and expression. Well laid shoulders, strong powerful hindquarters with fair angulation. Moved out well.
3 Harris Szanjani Komika
Brace (3 Entries 0 Abs.)
1 Harris – Two evenly paired dogs, moving in unison, made a lovely picture on the move, and standing.
2 White – Again moving in unison with great style, the first pair just had the edge.
3 Allen/Bloxham
John Wagstaff Special Working Memorial Stakes D or B (3 Entries 1 Abs.)
1 Chellumbrun – Addaci Mystic Ocean at Vizellven
2 White – Parcroft Piros by Arunszvar – Upstanding dog – workmanlike in appearance, decent head, nice reach of neck. Straight front, good length of rib, Strong rear quarters. Lacking in drive on the move.