Subscriptions rates are currently Single: £12 per annum Joint: £15 per annum Overseas applicants: £18 per annum. All applications for membership of the Hungarian Vizsla Club are subject to approval by the Committee. If you have difficulty completing the form, please contact us using the contact form: Contact us – Hungarian Vizsla Club
By joining us, your support will enable the Club to continue with its work, representing the Breed, supporting and contributing to the Hungarian Vizsla Welfare Charity, which looks after dogs needing help or rehoming, supporting health initiatives and endeavouring to maintain the best possible standards of breeding.
As a member you will have contact and communication with a committed team of experienced Vizsla owners and opportunities to interact with fellow enthusiasts of the Breed. If you wish to be further involved you can join in with events or volunteer for a role on the committee or a sub-committee.
The Hungarian Vizsla Club is committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy.
Our Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which any personal data that we collect from or about you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.