Some of you may have a lovely Vizsla and think that you would like to show, but what are the different types of shows and how do you start?


Find out from the Kennel Club website about ringcraft clubs in your area where you can learn how to present and train your dog for the show ring. Look and learn, talk to experienced people at the ringcraft club, they will be happy to help you. Watch how they present their dogs to show off its finest points. Take puppies along as soon as they have had their vaccinations, the sooner they start to learn the better.


These shows used to be known as Exemption shows as they were exempt from normal competition rules and some people still refer to them as such. Companion shows are fund raising events held throughout the year and the shows are often organised in conjunction with fetes, charity open days or other similar events. These shows can be entered on the day and mostly, but not always, they will be subject to Kennel Club rules.

Companion shows are great fun events at which all dogs, large and small, pedigree and non-pedigree, can take part. The mainstay of many Companion shows are the fun novelty classes, such as ‘Dog Most Like Its Owner’, and ‘Dog With The Waggiest Tail’. These shows also schedule classes which allow pedigree dogs to compete head to head in classes such as ‘Any Variety Sporting’ or ‘Any Variety Puppy’. Many people take their puppies to get them used to other people, being handled by strangers, and to mix with other lots of other dogs. Please note that puppies under six months of age are not permitted to take part in Companion shows.


To take part in Open shows dogs have to be registered with the Kennel Club and must be 6 months or over.

Dog showing, or exhibiting, takes place in different rings where each pedigree dog is judged against the official Kennel Club Breed Standard. The Breed Standard is a blueprint for the perfect characteristics for each breed and covers every aspect of the dog, including health and temperament. Quite often dogs and bitches of one breed are judged together.

Open shows have to be entered in advance of the show and can be entered online with one of the companies dealing with show printing, such as Fosse Data or Higham Press. They can also be entered with an entry form inside a schedule for that show. Schedules can be obtained from shows or by ringing the show secretary from advertisements in the dog papers ‘Dog World’ and ‘Our Dogs’.


These are large shows lasting a few days and Challenge Certificates are on offer for most breeds. Your dog does not have to have done any previous winning to attend these shows. At these shows dogs will be judged separately from the bitches. The best dog and the best bitch at the show will be awarded a Challenge Certificate which is an award that the Kennel Club allow championship show judges to award. When a dog has won three of these, under three different judges, then the dog is awarded Show Champion status. These shows are also entered in advance, again either online or by completing an entry form from the schedule for the show.