Idiopathic Epilepsy Research

If your dog has been diagnosed with Idiopathic Epilepsy and you live in the North, there is a new clinical research project lead by Rodrigo Gutierrez Quintana at the University of Glasgow, who is recruiting affected dogs to test the efficacy of a new treatment.

Your epileptic dog will have to fulfil the following criteria to enter the study:

  • Age: more than 2 years
  • Weight more than 5kg
  • Diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy with a normal MRI scan and CSF
  • Having more than 4 seizures a month despite having tried at least 2 anti-seizure medications
  • Deemed otherwise healthy

You can find more information about the research below:

If you click on the link a very self-explanatory page comes up which is for all breeds and humans, a new drug is to be trialled – as visits to Glasgow University will be required – it is probably going to be people and dogs within easy reach but it might also be of interest to owners of dogs that are not responding to any other medication and will try and go anywhere.

As always we invite owners of dogs with idiopathic Epilepsy to contact our Breed Health Coordinator Sue Millson via email to:

Rosemary Frost

Dear Members,

Further to the recent sad news concerning the death of Rosemary Frost, we have been advised that Rosemary’s Funeral is on the 12th July at 1pm at South Lincs Crematorium, Gosberton Road, Surfleet, Spalding. PE11 4AA .

Would anyone who intends to be there please contact Sharon Bergin by email at so that she can organise catering accordingly.

Tributes of flowers or donations will be gratefully received.

Donations for Hungarian Vizsla Welfare Charity or Vizsla Rescue may be given at the service or donated via the website

Flowers and all enquiries to Lincolnshire Cooperative Funeral services, 2-8 Church Street, Holbeach, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 7LL telephone 01406 422333


RE: Gonioscopy Breeding Advice
We are writing to you as your breed is on either Schedule A or B of the BVA/KC/ISDS Eye Scheme for primary closed angle glaucoma (PCAG).
As you are aware, a gonioscopy pilot study grading project was initiated on 1st July 2017.  This letter provides information relating to upcoming changes to the way gonioscopy results are recorded by the Kennel Club.
Why was this pilot study initiated under the BVA/KC/ISDS Eye Scheme?
The designation of ‘clinically unaffected’ or ‘clinically affected’ as specified for gonioscopy (G) on the current Certificate of Eye Examination provides only two options and gives no indication of the range of appearances that may be encountered;
·         The Eye Panel Working Party (EPWP) has devised a simple grading system, based in part on the existing literature, which reflects more accurately what the Panellist observes;
·         Grading will provide owners and breeders with a greater level of information about the extent of any goniodysgenesis, especially the extent of pectinate ligament abnormality (PLA) / dysplasia (PLD) as a proxy for the risk of glaucoma developing in later life;
·         Grading will help to inform breeding decisions, particularly when maintaining genetic diversity is of concern. Breed Health Coordinators will play a key role in providing breeding advice once the required information is available
The pilot study is being updated, with effect from 1st January 2018.
Why is the pilot study being updated?
·         Whereas recording gonioscopy as either ‘Clinically affected’ or ‘Clinically Unaffected’ is a binary choice, the grading of PLA utilises a continuous scale and so grading can clearly be regarded as more helpful when deciding the breeding strategy to adopt.
·         At the start of the Pilot Study Grading Project on July 1st 2017 there was no means of recording grades on the Kennel Club (KC) database, so both the ‘Clinically Unaffected’  and ‘Clinically affected’ results were retained as an interim measure to run in parallel with the new grading system;
·         This dual recording was recognised as a compromise and, prior to making hardwired changes to the KC registration system, the KC has now introduced changes that enable grades to be recorded.
What are the implications of these changes?
·         Results prior to the introduction of the Pilot Study Grading Project will be recorded as ‘G’ either ‘Unaffected’ or ‘affected’;
·         Results from 1st July 2017 onwards will be recorded as PLA grades (0, 1, 2, 3) if grades were assigned.
What is the Kennel Club doing to facilitate these changes?
·         Dogs which have undergone gonioscopy since the pilot study began on 1st July 2017 will have their ‘G’ ‘UNAFFECTED’ or ‘AFFECTED’ result removed
·         In place of the former result, a PLA grade (0,1,2,3) will be added to their record
·         These changes will be being made in the next few weeks; it is hoped that they will be complete by 1st January 2018
·         Any new results received from 1st January 2018 onwards will have the PLA grade (0,1,2,3) recorded
The BVA/KC/ISDS Eye Examination Certificate has been updated, in part to allow recording of PLA grades more easily.   You will see on the revised Certificate that dogs receive a right and left eye PLA grade, and an overall result which is the higher of the two grades should there be any disparity between the two eyes.  There will be an interim period during which both the old Certificate of Eye Examination and new Eye Examination Certificate are in use.  Guidance for panellists has been sent out by the BVA which advises that those using the old Certificate of Eye Examination should draw a horizontal line through the two tick boxes for (G) Goniodysgenesis and then record right grade, left grade and result immediately next (G) Goniodysgenesis.
Updated information relating to primary glaucoma and the pilot study grading project will be available on the BVA and Kennel Club websites soon, along with an updated version of the ‘Hereditary eye disease in dogs’ booklet.  We have also prepared a simple ‘Gonioscopy breeding advice’ document, which we send with this letter and which will be available on our website soon.
We would be grateful if you could assist with distributing this communication widely in your breed to breeders who may be undertaking gonioscopy.  If you have any queries relating to this letter, please contact
Very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Kind regards
The Health Team
The Kennel Club
Clarges Street, Piccadilly, London W1J 8AB


1 OCTOBER 2017

Championship Judge Mrs Gill Buller (Huntingate)

LB1, BCC & BIS Mr & Mrs S & K Challis’ Tarafield Anya Panni by Vizslanya
OD1, DCC & RBIS Mrs A Golby’s, Sh Ch Ciboney Fagan at Shadymoore
OD2, RDCC, Mrs L Townsend’s, Sh Ch Daxpack Risk Taker Rainscote
YB1, RBCC, Mrs T Mc Donald’s Donurie’s Katooni
MPD1, PD1, BPIS Mrs D & Mrs C Clubb & Mason, handling for Mrs A Black Oroshaza Quinn
MPB1, PB1, RBPIS Ms S Rutherford’s, Kincsem Sariska

HVC Championship Show Critique October 2017

Special Awards Judge Karen Gold (Llassah)

HVC Championship Show Special Awards Critique

Some of the Winners

Exciting News—–Hungarian Vizsla Club is Granted Open FT Status

I am delighted to advise that today I received a letter from the KC that the HVC has been awarded permission to host Open Field Trials.

What fabulous news for the Club and such a massive milestone after being one of the pioneering clubs establishing HPR trialling in the 1970s.

Many of the people I approached to request support for our application had assumed that the HVC already had Open FT status, so it was very gratifying to learn that the level of support registered with the KC , and I quote, “was so immense.”

Through this medium and others I wish to convey my sincere thanks, and those of the Club, to those people and clubs who responded in a timely and kindly way to our request for written support for our application. You made a significant and decisive contribution to the grant of permission.

Thanks also go to those friends and colleagues in the shooting and HPR trialling community who canvassed on our behalf with their friends and colleagues and offered so much encouragement along the way.

I would also like to thank the Kennel Club and their relevant committees and sub-committees, and to the key individuals in the Working Dogs Activities Department which gave advice and encouragement along the way. The process, which seemed daunting at times, was eased along by very kindly and knowledgeable people. If the KC can say “immense”, I can say in return “impeccable”.

Open field trial status for the HVC has been a long time coming, and now it is a reality. The club, an early pioneer of HPR trialling, has finally arrived at the upper echelon of HPR trialling clubs and this can only help to further enhance the status of the Vizsla as a working HPR, and encourage newcomers into the field.

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am at this news.

All the best,

Nigel Wroe
HVC: Acting FT Secretary

2016 Champ Show Results

2016 Champ Show Special Awards Results



We are having a special feature in Dog World covering our championship show, anyone wishing to place an ad alongside this feature using one of the photos taken at the show by Dog World photographer Samantha Webster needs to contact Samantha or 0121 4761374.…

Details of advertising rates contact Sharon Cox at Dog World Tel 01233 621877

Some very sad. Beryl Budgen (Duncarreg) has sadly passed away.

The funeral is this Friday 16 September at Hereford Crematorium at 3.45  -all welcome- No Flowers but Donations if wished -to go to St Michaels Hospice, Hereford.

Betty Smith (Zavis)
Chair of The Hungarian Vizsla Club 2007-2015 (Retired)


Betty says it came about when she was jumbling up the word Vizsla, to see what caught her eye –on choosing Zavis she later found out that the name denotes a desire to be a leader, to pioneer new undertakings, and to try new ideas of practical and creative endeavours

Betty first came onto the Club committee in 1987 and served until 2001 taking on various roles.   She was the Club’s first Membership Secretary, this job previously having been done by the Treasurer.   She was the newsletter editor for several years producing 3 newsletters per year and for a short period Field Trial Secretary.   Betty also started the club merchandise sales.

As Betty had a business which occupied much of her time she stepped down in 2001 but was persuaded to rejoin the committee in 2008 and was duly elected Chair of the committee.   She held this post until her retirement in 2015 when she decided the time had come to devote more time to her family and dogs and also plans for a move from Kent where she has lived for 50 years.

Her roles within the Club had been many and varied, which few can equal and it gave her a good insight as to how things ought to be done when she took the role of Chair.

The first Vizsla came to the Smith household in 1979, more of that later. Betty gave her first set of tickets for the Breed in 1996 at Bath and has judged both the Club & Society’s Championship shows.

She was involved with our web site when in its infancy and although retired from the committee she still remains on our Judges sub-committee, is author for our web site, is the breed representative at the Breeds Liason Committee of the Kennel Club, and assists with most if not all of our Breed Seminars as Assessor or Speaker.

Betty’s first Vizsla, Galfrid Gerard (Tas)came from the famous Galfrid kennels in 1979 as husband John had business connection with Angela Boys.   Tas won 1CC and 1 RCC ensuring that Betty became hooked on showing.   Then in 1981 came Galfrid Jacinthe, who was the foundation bitch for the kennel with her pups carrying the first litter with Zavis attached to them.  In the eighties she handled Sh Ch Galfrid Whig to his title for Angela Boys.  To date Betty has made up a Sh Ch – in ShCh/IrShCh Saddleglade Contago bred by Claire Aldridge – has bred one Show Champion carrying the Zavis affix in Z Loch Lindores, the  litter brother Zavis Loch Loyle sitting on 2 CCs, by  Sh Ch Gardenway Dalgliesh X  Zavis Indian Summer. Several other dogs carrying the Zavis affix have CCs & RCC’s.   Also in the 1990s the Zavis affix was seen at working tests, both John and Betty winning awards –so a truly all round kennel.

We have been very fortunate to have had Betty’s knowledge and expertise batting for the Club and she will be missed, however we know if we need to ask advice it would be forthcoming.   With the number of years Betty has given to the Club she should have time off for “good behavior” as many criminals do not serve as long a sentence as Betty has done for the Club!!!!

Betty from all of us enjoy your retirement and thankyou.

Sue Chair HVC

Betty Smith
Betty Smith

2016 Open Show

Judge Mr Kevin Grewcock (Ryanstock)

BEST DOG                                                               open show results 2016
Townsend’s Daxpack Risk Taker Rainscote

RESERVE BEST DOG                                              Pics
Jones and Cutty’s Alfizsbet The Upstart

Barwick’s Bequerelle Vagabond

Harris Ch Szajani Sipos JW ShCM

Belton’s Flushpoint Willow

Harper’s Pitswarren Zizi Jeanmaire

Harris Ch Szajani Sipos JW ShCM

Townsend’s Daxpack Risk Taker Rainscote

Harper’s Pitswarren Zizi Jeanmaire

Barwick’s Bequerelle Vagabond



Special Awards Classes

Judge  Helen Macauley (Kaslidh)

Special Awards Open 2016