The Club was proud to be associated with an extremely successful vizsla health seminar – held on 19th April 2015 at Fitzpatrick Referrals.The event was attended by 60 dedicated vizsla owners and breeders, HVC committee members, representatives of the Charity and great interest too from veterinary professionals. Here is the Fitzpatrick  news item The topics covered were

  • Vizsla Inflammatory Polymyopathy (VIP)
  • First Aid
  • Lumbosacral Disease
  • Epilepsy/Genetics

Here is the now published and highly accessed paper on Vizsla Inflammatory Polymyopathy

Here are the slideshows that accompanied the lectures

annaVizsla Polymyopathy (VIP)  – Anna Tauro, Neurology Resident (ECVN), DVM, MRCVS


extra videos –  * eating  *drinking

noelLumbosacral Disease – Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, MD/Duniv MVB CertVR DSAO, ACVSMR, MRCVS


clareEpilepsy/Genetics –  Clare Rusbridge,  Chief of Neurology, BVMS,  PhD,  DipECVN, MRCVS


extra video- * seizure

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