Results of 2015 Open show

MPD   1 Karaszy’s Falco Peregrinus at Silvestre, 2 Reidolvalley What a Card, 3 Topaeris Master Blaster

PD       1 Reidolvalley What a Card, 2 Artilysminiz Wisteria, 3 Silvestre Blazing Saddles

JD – no entries

YD       1 Hubertus Hungaricum Adal at Pitswarren (ImpHun), 2 Bournehouse Crispin, 3 Lutra Lord Admiral by Arunszvar

PGD    1 Zahur Zambala, 2 Broadsedge Dream Lover

LD       1 Parcroft Piros by Arunszvar, 2 Daxpack Court Case

OD      1 Bitcon Skymaster with Silvestre ShCM, 2 Hookside Gabor, 3 Bournehouse Hawkeye to Bequerelle, 4 ShCh Duncarreg Alesandro Del Pirospont JW

VD      1 ShCh Bequerelle Cooper Creek JW ShCM, 2 Vizslanya Rebusz at Pirospont ShCM

FTD    1 Hookside Gergo

MPB   1 Alsziv Laurona, 2 Nicael Miss Ginger Rogers

PB       1 Kincsem Pussy Galore

JB       1 Daxpack Lush Lashes, 2 Carnlochan Sirocco

YB       1 Nicael Lola, 2 Topaeris Summer Love, 3 Alfizsbet The One And Only, 4 Karrouki Windflower, 5 B’Ignis Brunensis Locura at Aldom

PGB    1 Afanleigh Sophie at Perllanside, 2 Glaslleb Skyfall, 3 Nicael Rochella at Alsziv, 4 Karrouki Windrush D’Lyla JW, 5 Kincsem Emma Llatsew

LB       1 Gingibre Head Over Heels, 2 Helsim Over The Rainbow, 3 Kincsem Pretty Picture, 4 Ranchstar Alice Tinker, 5 Silvestre Click My Heels with Carnlochan

OB      1 ShCh Carwci’s Phoenix ShCM, 2 ShCh Pitswarren denim Genes JW, 3 Kincsem Libby at Topaeris, 4 Nicael Flora, 5 Silvestre Shake Yr Booty

VB       1 Aldom Cristal, 2 Szajani Komika, 3 Shelseivad Gingers Gift to Silvestre, 4 Bequerelle Pinaroo, 5 Ranchstar Miranda Hobbes

FTB    1 Daxpack Thornbird, 2 Szajani Komika

Ch Stakes D or B

1 Sh Ch Carwci’s Phoenix ShCm, 2 Salvache Hidden Glory to Bequerelle JW

Brace  1 Mrs S & Mr NS Mills, 2 Mr G & Mrs CA Sutherland, 3 Mr TD & Mrs AM White

John Wagstaff Special Working Memorial D or B

1 Zavis Rhapsody, 2 Karrouki Windrush D’Lyla JW, 3 Hookside Gabor, 4 Parcroft Piros by Arunszvar


BD      Hubertus Hungaricum Adal at Pitswarren (imp.hun)

RBD    ShCh Bequerelle Coopers Creek JW ShCM

bpd      Karaszy’s Falco Peregrinus at Silvestre


bb        Zavis Rhapsody

rbb      Nicael Lola

bpb      Kincsem Pussy Galore

Judging list criteria

Application form for inclusion in the HVC judges list



  • A condition of an applicant’s inclusion in the Club’s list of Judges is that the applicant agrees to write a critique on their judging of the Breed and submits it to the canine press within the required time limit.
  • It is expected that an applicant’s completed judging appointments will have covered a wide geographical spread.
  • The lists are only valid for a specific period and on expiry the Club will publish updated lists.
  • The Hungarian Vizsla Club Judges Sub-Committee alone shall decide which names will be included in the lists and although proposed judges may fulfil the required criteria, this does not guarantee automatic inclusion in any of the Club’s lists.

A1 List

Judges who have previously been approved by the Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates in the Breed, have completed their first appointment and have the support of the Hungarian Vizsla Club.

A2 List

Judges who fulfil all the criteria of the ‘A3’ List and who have been assessed in accordance with the Kennel Club requirements and accepted by the Kennel Club for inclusion on an ‘A’ List and have the support of the Hungarian Vizsla Club.

A3 List (Breed Specialist)

Judges recommended by the Hungarian Vizsla Club as being suitable to award Challenge Certificates in the Breed, but who are not yet approved by the Kennel Club.


  • 10 years active involvement with the Breed.
  • Show Hungarian Vizslas regularly.
  • Minimum seven years judging experience in the Breed and 125 Vizslas to have been judged ‘hands on’, to include either a breed open show or a Championship Show without CCs. For the purposes of the Club lists, at a championship show without CCs on offer for the Breed a minimum number of 35 dogs hands on must have been judged.
  • Stewarded at 12 shows.
  • Attended a Breed specific seminar run in accordance with the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination or assessment where applicable.
  • Attended a Seminar on Kennel Club Regulations and Procedure given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination.
  • Attended a Seminar on Conformation and Movement given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and received a Certificate of Attendance.
  • Attended a Conformation and Movement “Hands-on Assessment” conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the assessment.
  • All judges awarding CCs for the first time in any gundog breed must have attended a Kennel Club Field Trial at an Open stakes level or an open Gundog Working Test for the relevant subgroup prior to their being considered to award CCs
  • Have bred and/or owned a minimum of 3 dogs when they obtained their first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book (Save in exceptional circumstances).


A3 List (Non Breed Specialist)

Judges recommended by the Hungarian Vizsla Club as being suitable to award Challenge Certificates in the Breed, but who are not yet approved by the Kennel Club.


  • Judged a Breed Show or a Championship Show without Challenge Certificates, overall judging experience to include a minimum of 150 Hungarian Vizslas ‘hands on’. For the purposes of the Club lists, at a championship show without CCs on offer for the Breed a minimum number of 35 dogs hands on must have been judged.
  • Judged for a minimum of seven years (five in this breed).
  • Attended a Breed specific seminar, run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination or assessment where applicable.
  • All judges awarding CCs for the first time in any gundog breed must have attended a Kennel Club Field Trial at an Open stakes level or an open Gundog Working Test for the relevant subgroup prior to their being considered to award CCs.
  • Award Challenge Certificates in at least one other breed.

A3 List (Overseas Judges)

Judges must be approved to award Challenge Certificates or their equivalent in the Gundog group in their native country, have demonstrated an involvement in the breed and have the support of the Hungarian Vizsla Club.

B List (Breed Specialist)

Judges recommended by the Hungarian Vizsla Club to Judge at Open Shows or Championship Shows without Challenge Certificates.


  • Five years active involvement in the Breed.
  • Three years minimum judging experience and to have judged 35 Hungarian Vizslas ‘hands-on’.
  • Attended one Breed specific seminar run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination or assessment where applicable.
  • Stewarded at six shows over three years or be passed to award Challenge Certificates in another breed.


B List (Non Breed Specialist)

Judges recommended by the Hungarian Vizsla Club to judge at Open Shows or Championship Shows without Challenge Certificates.


  • Demonstrated an interest in the sub group known as the Hunt, Point, Retrieve breeds.
  • Judged 50 Hungarian Vizslas ‘hands on’ over a minimum three year period.
  • Attended one Breed specific seminar run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination or assessment where applicable.
  • Stewarded at six shows over a three year period or be passed to award Challenge Certificates in another breed.


B List (Overseas Judges)

Judges must have demonstrated an active involvement with the breed or other Hunt, Point, Retrieve breeds, be approved to judge Hungarian Vizslas in their own country and have the support of the Hungarian Vizsla Club.

C List (Breed Specialists)

For aspirant judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the Hungarian Vizsla Club.

C List (Non Breed Specialists)

For aspirant Judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the Hungarian Vizsla Club.

A copy of the current Hungarian Vizsla club Judges list is available for Download in pdf format