rally 2014

The Hungarian Vizsla Club Fun Rally

The Cedar Field, Market Bosworth

20th and 21st September 2014


The first day of the rally dawned misty and grey was not too cold but most importantly of all it was dry.  The twelve acres of stunning parkland known as The Cedar Field was to be our home for the two days, surrounded by ancient woodland and the rolling Leicestershire countryside we couldn’t have wished for anywhere better, with ample space for all the planned activities, trade stands, parking and caravans our rally was held in a totally safe, secluded and private environment.

The main events on day one were agility and the fun dog show both proving to be very popular.  The agility run by Margo Robertson and Susan Northwood along with judge Ann Riches saw both experienced competitors and beginners alike having lots of fun.  Paula Trigg who after competing stayed and helped all the beginners.  Paula’s Vizsla Ross was celebrating his fifteenth birthday on the day!!  Organisers of the fun dog show Debbie Warnes and Penny Connolly were kept very busy, the classes very varied, ranging from the young handler class, right through to the vintage class seeing all the gorgeous oldies enjoying their day out, the judges Sue Houslop and Sue Novis had some tough decisions to make with lots of lovely entries from dogs of all shapes and sizes.

Walking around the rally alongside the numerous stands there was a cute retro caravan which on closer inspection revealed a mobile coffee shop selling the most delicious flavoured coffees, who needs Costa and Starbucks!  The hot food van which welcomed us all first thing in the morning with the wonderful aroma of bacon and sausage continued to deliver delicious burgers, hot dogs, hot drinks and other goodies throughout the day at excellent prices. The HVC stand ably manned by Mary and Lorraine Yarnley attracted many people and was well set out with lots of club merchandise on offer.  Ann Papworth, Jean Kelly and Gill Parrott were in charge of the cake stall, with many tempting cakes including carrot and chocolate cake they saw a steady stream of customers. Shelley Heading was also kept busy giving advice to new and old owners on their training and behavioural issues and then holding a successful clicker training class.  Shelley’s Vizsla Wilma also enjoyed her day winning first place in the waggiest tail class and coming second in the prettiest bitch class.  Myself and Jim ran the very popular second hand dog equipment stall, saying this, around half of what was for sale was brand new and all the items had been kindly donated so a very big thank you for that.  We had an array of many different dog related items including dog coats, bowls, leads and collars, most of what we had was sold over the two days raising much needed funds for Welfare.  As well as running the raffle and tombola, Betty Smith gave a talk on the Vizsla which proved popular especially with first time owners, whilst Betty was busy giving her talk Jim went around and sold a lot of raffle tickets, people were very generous.  There was also an Oscar dog food stand who, along with selling a good range of treats and food, were also on hand to weigh your dog and offer sound nutritional advice.  An unexpected but welcome and popular visitor was a beautiful Goshawk who was camping overnight with his owner who worked his Vizslas with his hawks.

The first day came to a close at around 5pm with the next day ready to commence around 10am.


The second day was brighter with more sunshine and soon got under way with Derek running the very successful gundog scurries.  The agility was enjoyed by people who had never tried it before, lots of fun was had by owners and dogs alike.  No dog show on the second day, instead the ring was used to help people who had not shown their dog before understand what showing is all about and help them learn about conformation, the lessons were given by Elaine Grewcock of Ryanstock Weimaraners.  The HVC merchandise was still proving popular being manned this time by Betty Smith and Claire Aldridge.  In the afternoon a talk on dog nutrition was given by Oscar Dog Foods with a question and answer session afterwards.

As the last few people made their way home around 4pm the second day drew to a close. The mammoth task of clearing up now loomed ahead, this was duly undertaken by Derek and Simone Whitfield who were ably assisted by non committee members Elaine and Kevin Grewcock, Sue and Jim Novis and Andy and Caroline Goodhand who had also helped Derek set everything up on the Friday.

The rally didn’t just happen, not only was it the result of many many months of planning and hard work by the HVC committee, it was also possible because of all the help given during the rally by non committee members, it was really gratifying to see that all the people who came along enjoyed themselves with their gorgeous dogs with old and new Vizsla owners alike appreciating all what was on offer, young puppies and old dogs all with happy waggy tails.  We’ve been asked by many when the next rally will be, all I can say is watch this space.


Sharon Bergin