he Hungarian Vizsla Club was founded by 25 members and the Kennel Club issued it a licence. Its first AGM took place at Worcester on 24th June 1968. The declared objectives of the Club were as follows:
- The object of the Club is to encourage high standards in breeding for working ability and conformation;
- To promote interest in training the Vizsla for Field Trials, as gundog, for obedience show and personal companion;
- To work actively to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at Field Trials, Breed Shows and competitive Obedience events;
- To urge members to breed only fully registered dogs that are within the Vizsla standard;
- To support research and educational work to reduce and/or eliminate undesirable or detrimental congenital traits from the breed;
- To conduct Field Trials, Breed Shows and Obedience Trials and training courses;
Owners and/or handlers should be encouraged to attend working gun dog classes and obedience training classes.
Subsequently, another group, entitled ‘Hungarian Vizsla Society’ was formed. There are similarities between the Club and the Society, the main one being the continued protection of a much-loved and admired breed which has many, many years of history. We exist happily alongside each other, sharing a Code of Best Practice and co-operating in the welfare, rescue and re-homing of Vizslas when necessary.